The shape of Plots

The Shape of Plot

A rectangular plot is almost as good as a square one. The rectangular plot provides overall growth in all spheres of life. The plots are classified into two on direction faced.

Rectangle with the sides bent inwards. The wealth increases for the inmates.These four plots increase wealth of the residents, though to different extents and offer comfort and peace.

Four sided plot with all the four sides being not equal to each other. This is called Vishama bagu. This causes endless sorrow. Financial loss and lack of peace

The rectangle with rounded corners like a television screen. This gives medium results economically, but will increase intelligence.

Though rare, this might form the middle of a circular road and may be owned by the local body. Only a circular building should be built here. Any other shape is inauspicious and causes bad results. This building is said to increase mental capacities of the inmates.

The oval plot is bad for commerce as well al for living.
It causes loss in many ways

The shape is that of half a circle. This plot causes utter poverty to the inmates of the house.

This is a also a rectangle but with the sides unproportionally long. This plot is called dhanda garam and resembles a bar. The wealth of the inmates lowers.

brings loss friends and associates and brings enmity..

Financial losses and quarrels, discord in the family are indicated if the plot is so shaped.

This is called the Kumbhagaram and is shaped like a pot and causes endless disease. The residents face health problems and obstacles for progress.

Its aerial view will look like an animal drawn cart. It might look rare but these plots are very common, especially in farm houses. This will make the owner suffer from wants, illness and poverty. This plot can easily be corrected.

There are only three corners and three sides in this plot against all rules of . This is very bad and has to be corrected. This plot occurs in the corners where two roads meet in acute angles. This plot causes problems from higher authorities or law and is also detrimental to progress. Problems due to fires and constant payment of penalties is indicated.

The rectangular plots have two inward bends in the sides of its width
, giving it a Indian drum shape and it affects the eyes

Gaumukh plots
look like a cow's face or like a cow standing or lying down. This plot is very bad for business concerns and very good for residential purposes. Gomukhi plots are those with lesser frontage than the width at the back.

This is not like the extension of a plot at one zone or L shaped plot. The length of the extension is much more in proportion than its width. This causes loss of wealth and live stock.

People who are residents here get prosperity. This shape has 8 sides and 8 angles.

This will affect the residents health, cause court action and also slowly push them to poverty.

The plot is shaped like bow. Theft, dacoity and attack from enemies are the experiences of the residents in this plot. This plot is called thanuragaram.

Six sided plots with almost equal sides brings progress to the family members and prosperity.

the inmates lose peace and may attain poverty

This type of plot causes death of brothers and relatives

they are many sided plots which have to be corrected before usage.

It cause imprisonment, untoward, untimely death and sometimes murder of the inmates.

